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Understanding Diphthongs, Triphthongs, and Hiatuses in Spanish

In Spanish, vowels play a key role in how syllables and words are formed, especially when multiple vowels appear together. Today, we will explore three key concepts related to vowel interaction: diphthongs, triphthongs, and hiatuses.


diptongo, triptongo, hiato


1. Diphthongs (Diptongos)

A diphthong occurs when two vowels are combined within the same syllable. In Spanish, these vowels can either be both closed vowels (i.e., "i" and "u"), or one open vowel (like "a," "e," or "o") paired with a closed vowel.


Example: Italia and Florencia


"Cuando fuimos a Italia nos quedamos una semana en Florencia".

"When we went to Italy, we stayed for a week in Florence."

Caption 21, Aprendiendo con Silvia Significados, usos y expresiones con "quedar" - Part 3

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Both Italia and Florencia end with a diphthong, combining the closed vowel "i" and the open vowel "a" in the last syllable.


Example: Ciudad


Popayán es una ciudad que está ubicada en el sudoeste de Colombia,

Popayan is a city that is located in the southwest of Colombia,

Caption 3, Viajando con Carlos Popayán - Colombia - Part 1

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In the word ciudad, the diphthong is found in the second-to-last syllable, formed by the two closed vowels "i" and "u."


These vowel combinations create fluid sounds within a single syllable, a common feature in many Spanish words.


2. Triphthongs (Triptongos)

A triphthong is when three vowels are pronounced together in a single syllable. For a triphthong to occur, there must be an open vowel (like "a," "e," or "o") sandwiched between two closed vowels (like "i" and "u").


Example: Estudiáis


como por ejemplo, en "vosotros estudiáis".

like for example, in "vosotros estudiáis" ["you guys study"].

Caption 24, Carlos explica Acentuación Cap. 5: Diptongo, triptongo, hiato

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This word is a great example of a triphthong. The open vowel "a" is surrounded by the two closed vowels "i," creating a single syllable where all three vowels are pronounced together.


Example: Uruguay


Fermín también me preguntaba quién toma más mate, si Uruguay o Argentina.

Fermín was also asking me who drinks more mate, whether Uruguay or Argentina.

Captions 49-50, Viajando con Fermín La Feria Internacional de los Países de Fuengirola - Part 2

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The "y" at the end of Uruguay acts like the vowel "i," forming a triphthong along with the "u" and the "a" earlier in the word.


Triphthongs are less common than diphthongs but are often found in verbs conjugated for the second-person plural form in Spain.


3. Hiatuses (Hiatos)

A hiatus occurs when two vowels appear together but belong to different syllables. This can happen when the two vowels are both open or when there is an emphasis on a closed vowel next to an open vowel.


Example: Leer


Sobre todo para aprender idiomas es fundamental leer.

Especially to learn languages, it's essential to read.

Caption 5, Adriana La lectura - Part 2

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In leer, the two "e"s are pronounced separately, each belonging to a different syllable: le-er. This breaks up what could have been a diphthong.


Example: Egoísta


Es que ahí está pintado el egoísta ese.

It's just that that's exactly like that selfish guy.

Caption 55, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 2 - Part 10

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In the word egoísta, we see a hiatus between the vowels "o" and "í." The closed vowel "í" is stressed, creating a break between "o" and "í" and making them part of separate syllables: e-go-ís-ta.


Example: Día


Es decir, estás teniendo un buen día,

In other words, you're having a good day,

Caption 20, Soledad Personas tóxicas

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In the word día, the closed vowel "i" is emphasized, creating a break between the "i" and the open vowel "a," resulting in two syllables.


Example: Búho


"¿Quién eres tú?", preguntó Ada al ver a un búho que bajaba volando.

"Who are you?" Ada asked when she saw an owl that was flying down.

Captions 4-6, Silvia nos cuenta El bosque encantado y las emociones mágicas - Part 3

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Even though the "h" is silent in Spanish, it doesn’t interfere with the vowel interaction. In búho, the two vowels "u" and "o" are part of different syllables, forming a hiatus.


Understanding diphthongs, triphthongs, and hiatuses is essential for mastering Spanish pronunciation and accentuation. Diphthongs and triphthongs allow vowels to merge into smooth sounds within syllables, while hiatuses create a clear division between syllables, even when vowels are side by side.


By recognizing these patterns, learners can improve their fluency and pronunciation accuracy in Spanish. This concludes our lesson on vowel interaction in Spanish. Hopefully, this has helped clarify how vowels work together in different ways, and don't forget to write us with your questions and suggestions.


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