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15 Spanish Words That Start With Z

While the letter Z might not be the most common starting point for Spanish words, there are still some important words to know. In this lesson, we’ll explore a few interesting facts about the Spanish letter Z and present a list of Spanish words that begin with this unique letter.


Spanish words that start with z


How to Pronounce The Spanish Letter Z 

The Spanish letter Z is pronounced as /θ/ in Spain (similar to the English 'th' in 'think') and as /s/ in Latin American Spanish (similar to the English 's' in 'sun'). Let's hear how Carlos (from Colombia) and Xavi (from Spain) pronounce the word corazón in the following sentence:


Esa canción me llegó al corazón. Esta canción me llegó al corazón.

That song touched my heart. This song touched my heart.

Captions 17-18, Carlos y Xavi Diferencia de pronunciación entre España y Colombia - Part 2

 Play Caption


In addition to this difference in pronunciation, the letter Z appears in many commonly used Spanish words. Now, let's dive into our list!


Spanish Words That Start With Z


1. [la] zanahoria (carrot)  

Vamos a utilizar un pelador para la zanahoria

We're going to use a peeler for the carrot

Caption 24, La cocina de Fermín Espaguetis con verduras

 Play Caption


2. [el] zángano (drone (bee))  

y yo me empecé a sentir como un zángano enamorado.

and I began to feel like a drone in love.

Caption 33, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 6 - Part 2

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3. [el] zapato (shoe)  

Si es que el zapato no le entra,

If the case is that the shoe doesn't fit you,

Captions 64-65, Mónica La media rota

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4. [el] zar (Czar)  

el día a día del zar Nicolás Segundo y las zarinas.

the daily life of Czar Nicolas the Second and the czarinas.

Caption 21, Adriana La lectura - Part 2

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5. [la] zarzuela (a type of Spanish opera)


Me gustan las arias, las óperas, las zarzuelas.

I like arias, operas, zarzuelas.

Caption 10, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana César Lara Hernández

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6. [el] zigzag (zigzag)


sabréis que las colas tienen forma de zigzag.

you'll know that the lines have a zig-zag shape.

Caption 19, Soledad El mundo es un pañuelo

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7. [el] zinc (zinc) 


El zinc es un metal muy utilizado en la construcción.  
Zinc is a metal widely used in construction.


8. [el] zodiaco (zodiac)


Mi signo del zodiaco es Leo.
My zodiac sign is Leo.


9. [la] zona (zone, area)  

La bahía se ha convertido en una zona costera de gran concurrencia.

Bahía has become a very crowded coastal area.

Caption 22, Maoli Bahía de Cata

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10. [el] zoológico (zoo)  

Esta águila andina que se encuentra en el zoológico,

This Andean eagle that's at the zoo

Caption 91, Quito Zoológico de Guayllabamba - Part 1

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11. [el] zorro (fox)  

Un "zorro" es aquel muy astuto.

A "fox" is one who is very cunning.

Caption 72, Beatriz Palabras polisémicas - Part 2

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12. [el] zueco (wooden clog)  

Los agricultores usaban zuecos para trabajar en el campo.  
Farmers used wooden clogs to work in the field.


13. [el] zumbido (buzz, buzzing)


"Que el zumbido tiene que ver con el polvo de las flores", dijo Pigueldito.

"That the buzzing has to do with the dust from the flowers," said Piggeldy.

Caption 33, Pigueldito y Federico Las abejas

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14. [el] zumo (juice)


Pregúntale si tiene zumo, pan y galletas para nosotros.

Ask her if she has juice, bread, and cookies for us.

Caption 38, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 8: La prima de la dueña - Part 2

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15. [el] zurdo / [la] zurda (left-handed)


la "churdi" porque es zurda,

the "churdi" because she's left-handed,

Caption 56, Mari Carmen La amistad

 Play Caption


These are just a few of the most common words that start with the letter Z in Spanish. Can you think of any other words? Let us know and don't forget to send us your questions and comments.


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