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The 7 Days of the Week in Spanish

Do you know the days of the week in Spanish? Do words like lunes or domingo sound familiar to you? In this lesson, we will review the days of the week in Spanish in three different ways. First, you can listen to some random sentences containing the days of the week. Then, you will have the chance to listen to a short clip that shows you how to pronounce each day of the week. Finally, we will leave you with a list of the days of the week in Spanish and English. We hope this repetition helps you to memorize the names of the 7 days of the week in Spanish.



7 sentences with the days of the week in Spanish


We use the days of the week all the time! The following sentences will help us to get familiar with the sound of the days of the week.


El lunes, por ejemplo, fui a trabajar.

On Monday for example, I went to work.

Caption 6, El Aula Azul - La Doctora Consejos: El pasado

 Play Caption


Los martes, además, tenemos las "Tardes de Intercambio".

On Tuesdays, additionally, we have the "Exchange Afternoons."

Caption 24, El Aula Azul - Las actividades de la escuela

 Play Caption


Todos los miércoles, voy con mi mejor amiga al cine.

Every Wednesday, I go with my best friend to the movies.

Caption 18, Ariana - Mi Semana

 Play Caption


"Todos los jueves, aprendía nuevas canciones en mi clase de guitarra".

"Every Thursday, I used to learn new songs in my guitar class."

Caption 57, Carlos explica - El pretérito Cap 4: Imperfecto I

 Play Caption


Pensaré cada día en Daniel cuando él vuele a Guatemala el próximo viernes.

I will think about Daniel every day when he flies to Guatemala next Friday.

Caption 36, Conjugación - El verbo 'pensar'

 Play Caption


El día más fuerte, o sea, de mayor afluencia de personal sería el sábado.

The busiest day, I mean, the one with the largest influx of people would be Saturday.

Caption 25, Mercado de San Miguel - Misael

 Play Caption


Estaba pensando, el domingo me gustaría invitar a los Mendoza

I was thinking, on Sunday I would like to invite the Mendozas

a tomar onces para que se animen un poquito, ¿hmm?

to have an afternoon snack so that they can cheer up a little but, hmm?

Captions 11-12, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 4

 Play Caption


Let's take these sentences to mention something important. The plural form of the days of the week that end in "s" (lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves and viernes) is the same as their singular form. However, if you want to say the plural form of the days of the week that end in vowels (sábado and domingo), you need to add the letter 's' at the end. Here is a list of the singular and plural forms of the days of the week in Spanish:


el lunes - los lunes

el martes - los martes

el miércoles - los miércoles

el jueves - los jueves

el viernes - los viernes

el sábado - los sábados

el domingo - los domingos


How do you say the days of the week in Spanish?


Are you ready to practice the pronunciation of the 7 days of the week in Spanish? Let's take a look at the following clip from our friends Maru and Sol from GoSpanish.


Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

¿Me ayudas, Sol? Sí. Viernes, sábado, y domingo.

Can you help me, Sol? Yes. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Captions 24-32, Español para principiantes - Los días de la semana

 Play Caption


Days of the week in Spanish and English


In order to help you remember the names of the week in Spanish, the following list contains the days of the week in Spanish and English:


Lunes - Monday

Martes - Tuesday

Miércoles - Wednesday

Jueves - Thursday

Viernes - Friday

Sábado - Saturday

Domingo - Sunday


There is something important to remember: Unlike English, the days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized. They are capitalized only if they appear at the beginning of a sentence.


That's it for today. Try to write a couple of sentences with the days of the week in Spanish and read them aloud so you can practice their pronunciation. And don’t forget to send us your feedback and suggestions.


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